Martinka's Gallery Links

Click through to our public galleries  (Flickr album home page):

 Joe's Watercolor Paintings


 Joe has discovered the satisfaction of floating pigment on paper to dry.  Sometimes it 'works out'!

OFFER: If any painting piques your interest, let me know.  I would be glad to send a signed print of it to you, no charge!

Joe's Oil Paintings


This is the start of my oil painting experience.   Copies are available on canvas backing if requested.

 Joe's Woodturnings 

Since 2016, Joe has been working on a lathe creating turned wood curiosities.  This is a 'best of' subset of the 300 pieces so far. (Someday soon: A virtual tour of the workshop)

Joe's Ceramics


Since early in 2023, I have started ceramic studies.  Like the challenge, and the glaze  surprises after firing.


Dorian's Oils

Only one of her many mediums for artistic expression.  Ask to see her stain glass.

Dorian's Concerts



Peter's Architect Work 


Peter's 2022 Resume and Portfolio  (click on "View Portfolio" on popup over image)

Award winning design work over the last few years of academic and commercial effort.