Life is Grand (LIG)  
Thanksgiving in Baja

LIG sailing's 2008 cruise from La Paz. is history!




  Dates:  November 21 to 29, 2008
Briefing at 4pm Friday, board at 6pm.
    Length of trip: 8 days and nights.

Destination:  Sea of Cortez, La Paz, Mexico
Local language: Spanish


bullet300 days of sunshine a year.
bulletTemps: 70 to 85 F year in the fall 
bulletWinds: Easterly trades at 15-22 knots


Why go (back) there?

In 1997, the LIG sailing group had a three boat trip to La Paz during Thanksgiving.  We even had our own T-shirts made!

This will be the 11th anniversary of the trip.   Many of us remembered it as a wonderful way to spend time on the water. 

Two years ago, 23 LIG sailors went to Belize during Thanksgiving.   Can't get enough of a good thing!

Join us!

More information:

bulletMooring's La Paz Base 
bulletcheck out photo gallery
bullet7 day itinerary

Cost Estimate$1300 to $1500* plus airfare - see below

Airfare ideas:

Fly to La Paz's from LA, Phoenix, or Mexico City.  The airport is a 15 min. taxi ride to the Marina.  

Plan to arrive by mid afternoon on 11/21 or come day(s) earlier which gives chance to check out Baja sites, even classy Cabo just a little South.  Hope to start a morning sail on Sat.

Some options (anybody suggest others?):

bulletWe see roundtrip fares from SJC around $620, and from SFO around $570 (Alaska Air) in January.
bulletPrices have gone up a bit by March, with less selection.

Tranquil ruggedness of the Baja

My Goal:  Boats reserved reserved by March 1st (actually happened March 17th.  I would prefer two boats, but available skippers and interest will help determine.

This trip will have at least two young but able sailors: 10 and 11.

For more details, call Joe at 408-735-7245, or email at exegrec3 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Sailboat Information

There are sloops and catamarans currently available.  The longer we wait, the smaller the selection.

Joe will charter a catamaran this time.  Other boats are up to the skippers.

Boat Reservations  Layout
   Mixed crew (A)
Reserved 43 foot cat  -  click to enlarge

Moorings 4300 :   Detailed Stern Shot

Specs and Pictures

Baja Sailors

1 A Joe Martinka
(1st boat skipper)
Deposit on boat A Leave San Jose at 8:20 am, Arrive 11/21 at 2:21 pm on Delta 7695

Depart 11/29 at 2:56 pm on Delta 7696, arrive San Jose at 7:14 pm

($636 / person RT)

2 A Dorian Martinka
3 A Peter Martinka
4 A Arielle Martinka
5 Vicki Vickers Deposit received  
6 Tony Flusche Deposit received  
7 Lynnette Flusche
8 Dan Geiszler Deposit "in the mail"  
9 Diane Eaton Deposit "in the mail"  

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Estimate:  $1400 per person  Chilren cost about $280 less.

This cost is estimated based on the expected number of people who sign up, the cost of the boat(s) that we have reserved, full provisioning (the food on board), beverages, bar and a small buffer.  Some items are estimates, and are based on previous cruises. 

Any trip payment not spent will be refunded after we get back from the trip. 

The deposit of $500 is non refundable if you decide not to go, and another person cannot be found to take your place.  Full payment will be due on August 10th.  Trip insurance is extra.

Assumptions for boat and provisioning estimate: 

Late November sail for 7 days and 7 nights.  
One Boats  - all berths full - costs nearly evenly split 
Full provisioning on boat $22/day/person,  children at 1/2 price
Beverage allowance of $200 per person, $30 for children
Kayak per boat

Not Included

        This estimate does not include airfare, souvenirs, extra nights lodging or other touring in Baja. 

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Page updates

1/16 /08 : built this page after doing some initial cost and interest research.


3/11/08 : updated the crew list, trying to get a couple of people off the fence :-)  Boats still available.


3/17/08 : more on the crew list.  First boat reserved today.


2/23/09 : cleaned up the page a bit.


bulletLIG Sailing Home page