Full Data from the Jan-Feb 2002 Survey
Name = Vicki Vickers
NameSigOther =
email = vicki@casarch.com
Phone = 650-961-3306
Phone2 =
address = 1915 Mt. Vernon Ct., #12
Mountain View, CA 94040
Tahiti = Neutral
Aussie = Neutral
NewZea = Neutral
Belize = Excited
Tonga = Neutral
WhereElse =
LateMay = Best
EarlyJune = OK
LateJune = NotHot
MidSum = NotHot
EarlyFall = NotHot
LateFall = OK
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = most
SevenDay = most
Cozy = most
Privacy = less
MoreSailing = more
EatingOut = less
Couples = least
Snorkel = ON
Reading = ON
Dancing = ON
Hikes = ON
Zoning = ON
OtherActivities = Mayan ruins
EarnestMoney = about $300
comments = I'd love to do Belize!
B1 = Submit
Name = jan johnson
NameSigOther =
email = janj@xmission.com
Phone = 801-733-4260
Phone2 = 801-326-5936
address = 8991 Flat Iron Dr.
Sandy, UT 84093
Tahiti = Excited
Aussie = Interest
NewZea = Interest
Belize = HoHum
Tonga = Neutral
WhereElse = There is some great scenary and sailing up toward Juno, and
out toward Valdez.
LateMay = NotHot
EarlyJune = NotHot
LateJune = NotHot
MidSum = NotHot
EarlyFall = Best
LateFall = OK
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = neutral
SevenDay = neutral
Cozy = neutral
Privacy = neutral
MoreSailing = more
EatingOut = neutral
Couples = least
Snorkel = ON
DinghyRace = ON
Reading = ON
Dancing = ON
Hikes = ON
OtherActivities = windsurfing !
EarnestMoney = 1/2 of expected cost
comments = Wow - what a difference in planning the web has made. I'm
assuming you've built a database coupled to a statistical analysis
package? :>) So, what's the results on date and locale?
B1 = Submit
Name = Carl Myerholtz
NameSigOther = TDB
email = carl_myerholtz@agilent.com
Phone = 408-725-1430
Phone2 =
address = 18644 Loree Ave
Cupertino, CA 95014
Tahiti = Interest
Aussie = Excited
NewZea = Not
Belize = Excited
Tonga = Interest
WhereElse =
LateMay = NotHot
EarlyJune = Best
LateJune = OK
MidSum = NotHot
EarlyFall = NotHot
LateFall = NotHot
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = V1
SevenDay = most
Cozy = neutral
Privacy = neutral
MoreSailing = least
EatingOut = neutral
Couples = neutral
CertDive = ON
OtherActivities =
EarnestMoney = about $300
comments =
B1 = Submit
Name = Jeff Martinka
NameSigOther = Tessa Coons
email = jmartinka@literacyservices.org
Phone = 414-708-5855
Phone2 = 414-344-5878
address =
Tahiti = Interest
Aussie = Neutral
NewZea = Neutral
Belize = Neutral
Tonga = Interest
WhereElse =
LateMay = Impossible
EarlyJune = Impossible
LateJune = OK
MidSum = Best
EarlyFall = Impossible
LateFall = Impossible
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = neutral
SevenDay = neutral
Cozy = neutral
Privacy = neutral
MoreSailing = neutral
EatingOut = neutral
Couples = neutral
ResortDive = ON
Snorkel = ON
Racing = ON
Reading = ON
Hikes = ON
Bartending = ON
Zoning = ON
OtherActivities = swimming
EarnestMoney = about $300
comments = I know this stuff isn't ideal for you all, but it's what we
can do, given home sale, storage, move.... Hugs - #3 jcm
B1 = Submit
Name = Jeff Dunham
NameSigOther = Michelle Krick
email = jeff.dunham@iname.com
Phone = +44 (0)786 668 6802
Phone2 = +1 510 846 6914
address = nomadic, currently on the great plains of Newark, California.
Tahiti = Interest
Aussie = Interest
NewZea = Neutral
Belize = Excited
Tonga = Interest
WhereElse = anyplace warm (not a kid's swimming pool!)
LateMay = NotHot
EarlyJune = NotHot
LateJune = OK
MidSum = OK
EarlyFall = Best
LateFall = Best
OptimumPeriod = later in the year, the better
Sloop = less
SevenDay = less
Cozy = neutral
Privacy = neutral
MoreSailing = neutral
EatingOut = neutral
Couples = most
CertDive = ON
Racing = ON
Hikes = ON
Bartending = ON
Zoning = ON
OtherActivities = sailing?
EarnestMoney = about $300
comments = I took Sunsail's "Day Skipper" class (and actually passed)
this last December in the Canaries. Therefore, I'm now not completely
incompetent when it comes to sailing. I'm actually quite good at
sailing toward large cargo ships without really realizing it.
Later in the year is better for Michelle and I (need to save money for
it), but we're flexible.
B1 = Submit
Name = Dan Geiszler
NameSigOther = Diane Eaton
email = dan_geiszler@hp.com
Phone = 408-343-5131
Phone2 = 408-294-3121
address = P.O. Box 2878
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Tahiti = Neutral
Aussie = Interest
NewZea = Excited
Belize = Neutral
Tonga = Interest
WhereElse =
LateMay = Best
EarlyJune = OK
LateJune = OK
MidSum = OK
EarlyFall = OK
LateFall = Best
OptimumPeriod = Thanksgiving would be good.
Sloop = neutral
SevenDay = most
Cozy = more
Privacy = neutral
MoreSailing = neutral
EatingOut = neutral
Couples = neutral
Snorkel = ON
Hikes = ON
OtherActivities =
EarnestMoney = 1/2 of expected cost
comments = Economics may dictate the trip for us this time since Di was
not working for several months, and I may not have a job in a 6 or so
B1 = Submit
Name = Dorian Martinka
NameSigOther = Significant Joe
email = dorifm@earthlink.net
Phone = 221-0721
Phone2 =
address = Home at the Range
Tahiti = excited
Aussie = interest
NewZea = hohum
Belize = excited
Tonga = hohum
WhereElse =
LateMay = NotHot
EarlyJune = Best
LateJune = OK
MidSum = NotHot
EarlyFall = NotHot
LateFall = OK
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = neutral
SevenDay = neutral
Cozy = neutral
Privacy = less
MoreSailing = neutral
EatingOut = less
Couples = most
CertDive = ON
ResortDive = ON
Snorkel = ON
Reading = ON
Hikes = ON
Oogling = ON
Bartending = ON
OtherActivities =
comments =
B1 = Submit
Hugh Gregg and Becky
Name = Hugh Gregg
NameSigOther = Becky Failor
email = H.Gregg@attbi.com
Phone = 925-361-9254
Phone2 =
address = 7477 Hansen Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
Tahiti = Excited
Aussie = Excited
NewZea = Excited
Belize = Interest
Tonga = HoHum
WhereElse = Thailand
LateMay = Impossible
EarlyJune = Impossible
LateJune = OK
MidSum = OK
EarlyFall = OK
LateFall = OK
OptimumPeriod =
Sloop = more
SevenDay = least
Cozy = less
Privacy = most
MoreSailing = more
EatingOut = more
Couples = most
CertDive = ON
Snorkel = ON
Reading = ON
OtherActivities = meeting local folks; local activities
EarnestMoney = about $300
comments = Don't plan around us, but if it works, we'll be there. Call
Becky for info on Tahiti sailing (two trips: '85 & '94).
I'm pretty tied up until mid-June (various work related travel,
projects, etc), but will then be looking for a trip. Might be sail, might
just be travel somewhere ... who knows. I can't pin it down now (Tenants
move into Becky's place on Friday; my house is still up for rent), but
would like to sail.
Summer/fall ... I'm not sure. We've done the Mexico in November thing ...
Early fall is good in the Med ... Indian Ocean should be Ok ... might be
worth a call to Moorings and ask their opinion. They'll probably say all
seasons are excellent.
Survey | Sail