CostsEstimated between $1100 and $1400 (in US dollars). The cost depends on which boats we are able to reserve, the size and age of the boats, and the number of committed crew. The final price is be firmed up when the actual boats are reserved and crew numbers declare their preferences for type of boat.. The estimate is includes boat rental, insurance, taxes, full provisioning for the 6 days and 7 nights, hotel items (linens/towels), bar tab and a little left for on-shore restaurants. Some items are estimates, and are based on previous cruises. It is desired that a small refund is due to crew members at the end of the trip. It does not include hotel or travel costs off the boat, trinkets, souvenirs, nor any air fare. Airfare Ideas
From San Francisco, it is about 20 hours driving, or 1100 miles one way.
Crew ListThe best situation is double occupancy given the two person staterooms. Reserve a berth by sending a $700 deposit. The deposit is refundable if someone would be willing to take your place. As deposits are received, you receive higher priority, but for considerations of ensuring enough sailing talent is available for all boats. We are looking to get enough sailors for two sloops, but we will sail a one-boat trip if there are not enough takers for two.
Page update history Nov 20, 2015 - First Draft